I could easily recall the Professor Mohammad Younus quotes on my newspaper which was that the only place our future generation could see Poverty is in the museum. Those days (I guess a year back) there was some news about him and Grameen Bank regularlay. Initially for me he seemed to me another rhetoric speaker the world needs. But later after reading about him, studying his work and viewing the Q&A session as the Nobel Peace Price retrospective, I had different feelings.
I could connect it with the history as a century ago as a century ago even no one could think that black would be given the same right as white, no human-trade and slavery. Today these things seem inhuman, hostile and awkward but just a century ago it was a norm, socially accepted regular activity. Thus with the readiness of the masses to change, change in human civilization and the leading role of the few individuals the world has changed.
I could comfortably say that since if the human want they could do it and it would be possible for us to see the poverty in Museums only.
The Professor Younus brainchild is followed the world-over even in Pakistan we have tons of MFI’s (Micro-Financial Institutions) but its said that there are not working the way they should. Rather they don’t care about people and are ripping the poor, but the change will take place.
1 comment:
Many economists have tried to device a generally accepted definition of poverty but couldn't. I would stick to the World Bank's "less then dollar a day" definition.
Certainly a majority of world's population lives below the poverty line.
Before emabarking on such a huge task we must educate ourselves as to the causes of poverty.
Geographic barriers such as barren land in the Middle East, infertile land and little yield in many parts of the world give rise to a situation where agriculture is rendered out of the question.
Although many disagree but I believe the disastrous population growth all over the world is another factor that must not be overlooked.
The way we are consuming the world's resources is almost disgraceful for the whole human kind.
Until and unless we protect the very ecosytem we are dependent on....we are very likely to be wiped out. We need to control the human population by implementing a well thought out plan.
If we do nothing about poverty and population then we will be being pushed harder against the wall.
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